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Why are organisations still getting attacked, despite running up-to-date software?

Written by Our Security Team 04/09/2019

A report has found that two in three organisations fell victim to a cyberattack in 2018, and 91% were running up-to-date protection at the time of the attack.

The survey covered 3,100 IT managers in 12 countries, and was commissioned by Sophos.

Organisations are struggling to stop cyberattacks, but why?

The report stated: “Despite good intentions and behaviors, threats are getting through. This may be through weaknesses in cybersecurity, or because there are security holes that haven’t been plugged.”

“While an organisation might have been running up-to-date endpoint protection, this doesn’t mean all other devices were secure.”

The biggest area of concern for survey respondents was loss of data, with other concerns being cost implications and damage to the business.

It was also discovered that 26% of IT team’s time is spent on cyber-security, and 86% of respondents say they need greater cybersecurity skills in their business.

Join us on a webinar about this report, and discover how your business can avoid falling victim to hackers.




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